Key Host

Our company maintains a strict policy for protecting the privacy of visitors to our website. With this note, we provide you with more information on how we use Cookies each time you visit our website.  

What are Cookies?

  Cookies are small pieces of software code sent for storage by our company’s web server to your terminal equipment, with their main function being to communicate to us data from your browser. Depending on their duration, cookies are either temporary (session cookies) or permanent (persistent cookies). Temporary cookies are cookies that are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while permanent cookies remain stored on your terminal equipment until their predefined expiration time.  

Does our company use Cookies?

  Yes, we use certain Cookies mainly to make our website more functional for our users.  

What types of Cookies do we use?

  Our company uses temporary cookies for the following purposes:  
  • For automatically recognizing you as a registered user after you log in or for browsing secure subpages.
  • For storing technical data necessary for viewing or listening to content, also known as flash cookies.
  • For distributing server requests among a group of servers.
  • For electronically identifying users already connected to social networking sites.
  Furthermore, we use permanent cookies for the following purposes:  
  • To improve the performance of our website.
  • To personalize your interface and customize the functionality of our website.
  • To provide online content tailored to your choices and interests.

What kind of data do we collect through the use of Cookies?

  All data collected from the use of cookies is processed and stored exclusively in the form of anonymous statistical data and does not bear any direct connection to your identity. Also, our company does not engage in any act of selling or trading data collected in this way.   Through our cookies, we collect and process the following types of data:   Identification data of terminal equipment and the user’s IP address. Navigation data within the website. Information on product/service preferences. Data on completed transactions.  

How Do You Consent to the Acceptance of the Above Use of Cookies by Us?

  By entering the main page of our website, you become aware of a relevant note about our use of cookies, which is prominently displayed and refers to this cookie policy with clear and extensive information. If you decide to browse the subpages of our website and provided you have configured your web browser accordingly, you freely give your explicit and specific consent to this use. Otherwise, you are obliged to refrain from browsing our website or to disable the use of cookies in your browser settings.  

Categories of Cookies

Cookies can also be used to compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how the public uses our website and help us improve its structure and content. Your personal identity cannot be ascertained from this information.  

Performance Cookies

  These are cookies that collect information about how visitors use the website, for example, which pages they visit most often and if they receive error messages from web pages. These cookies collect aggregated, anonymous information that does not identify a visitor and are used exclusively to improve the performance of a website.  

Functionality Cookies

  Functionality cookies allow the website to remember user choices such as username, language, or region to provide enhanced and personalized features. They can also be used to provide services requested by the user, such as viewing videos or using social media. The information these cookies collect may be anonymous and cannot track your browsing activity on other websites. If you reject these cookies, the performance and functionality of the website may be affected and your access to its content may be restricted.  

Targeting Cookies

  Targeting cookies are used to deliver content that best suits you and your interests. These types of cookies may be used to send targeted advertising/offers, limit ad impressions, or measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. They may also be used to remember the websites you have visited so that we can determine which online marketing channels are most effective and allow us to reward external websites and partners who referred you to us.